vineri, 20 iunie 2008

My issues these days

First, the big No,No of Ireland for the Lisbon Treaty. Oh, well, after Holland and France, the Irish people messed up EU's legal framework. And then, I read the email from the Citizens of Europe. Their statement is here. Their approach is very citizen-oriented and they really do a good job in explaining that a NO vote is just another way for a better solution. :)

Second, the fact that the Romanian Parliament becomes a judicial power. They get to judge if a former MP and prime minister will be subject to penal inquiry. So much with the separation of powers and democratic principles. If his MP colleagues (and even party colleagues) say the guy does not deserve to be inquired (not to mention punished), oh, then...OK. What do the judges have to do with it, right? Or the people... This is too much. Way too much! And beyond any idea of democracy and stuff. I hate political porn. I started thinking about migration again!

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